In the tradition of Erma Bombeck and Peg Bracken, author Lisa Quinn Emmy Award-winning television host and recovering Marthaholic gets real on the follies of housekeeping. Life's Too Short to Fold Fitted Sheets is a crash course in Slacker Chic 101 that will have over-extended women everywhere laughing out loud and throwing in the towel the dishtowel, that is. Full of shortcuts and tricks for cleaning, decor, and entertaining, such as: the top 10 things you have to clean if you have company coming in 30 minutes; interior finishes that hide the most dirt; 17 meals made from a deli chicken; and much more, this wickedly funny guide helps women create the life they want without all the hard labor and without compromising style.
When I was approached to host a review of this book {which I received free of charge in exchange} my first thought was "People FOLD fitted sheets?" You don't even want to know what I do with mine...
Fitted Sheets is a quick read. In fact, at the end of the introduction Lisa writes, "I kept it short, because I know you're busy. Perfection is overrated. Live a little." I'll admit, I only skimmed the surface of certain sections {ala entertaining} because I want to be entertained not the entertainer herself. I have a list of amazing tidbits from this book. Here are just a few:
- Rub white candles on your bathroom grout to prevent mold and mildew.
- Pour salt over a spill in your oven. The salt will halt the burning smell and form an easily removable crust over the top of the spill.
- Grab scraps of foil, and cut through six to eight layers with scissors; they will be like new.
- Didn't use a coaster and now you've got an ugly white ring on your table? Rub a little Worcestershire sauce into the ring, and let it sit for a couple of hours. Wipe it off with a rag.
- Citrus peels help maintain the integrity of your garbage disposal blades.
Fitted Sheets is for you if you want to learn more about decorating short cuts and cheats, interior finishes that hide the most dirt and half-assed hospitality!
Don't even bother with this book if you think Martha Stewart's way of life is the only way!
Who is Lisa Quinn, anyway?

She is a recovering Martha-holic, Emmy Award winning TV host, and mother of two. Lisa is a contributor to Better Homes and Gardens, Redbook, Life, and PARADE magazines; has appeared on Good Morning America, the CBS Early Show, HGTV, and Oprah; designed sets for the National Geographic Society and the Discovery Channel; and starred in her own one-hour special for the Fine Living Network. Lisa currently serves as spokesperson for IKEA and DuPont. Home With Lisa Quinn is syndicated nationally on the Live Well HD Network.

She is a recovering Martha-holic, Emmy Award winning TV host, and mother of two. Lisa is a contributor to Better Homes and Gardens, Redbook, Life, and PARADE magazines; has appeared on Good Morning America, the CBS Early Show, HGTV, and Oprah; designed sets for the National Geographic Society and the Discovery Channel; and starred in her own one-hour special for the Fine Living Network. Lisa currently serves as spokesperson for IKEA and DuPont. Home With Lisa Quinn is syndicated nationally on the Live Well HD Network.
Next time you visit your neighbor's house and you notice one of Lisa's short-cuts, you can glance in her direction while holding your glass of wine, smile and give the nod of approval.