Go here for Part 1.
When the phone finally rang I exhaled. Only then I discovered it wasn't my general practitioner as promised. It was the fill in psych from the day before. Are you kidding me?
"Hi, this is Dr. Welch. Did you go to the ER last night? I thought we had a plan set in place and you were going to follow through with that and see Dr. Psych when he returns next week." she said.
"No, you had a plan. I told you that plan sucked and I need my medications adjusted but you blew me off so I escalated the matter only I got screwed over in the process." I shouted.
"Can you come in and see me?" Dr. Welch asked.
"Why. Are you only interested in my co-pay? Why can't we do this over the phone. You're unwilling to help me anyway." I responded.
Dr. Welch insisted I come in. She couldn't make any changes to my meds without seeing me in person. Fine. I went. We hashed it out after my blood pressure was taken {high} and weight was measured {up}.
This is what's happening:
- Referral to an Endocrinologist to get to the bottom of my fracking thyroid problems
- Drop the Abilify
- Start taking Wellbutrin with my Zoloft in the morning, along with my thyroid pill
- Continue taking the Trazadone before bed
- Wait two weeks to see if the new cocktail is working or call in the meantime if it's not {to be blown off}
- Diagnosed with Postpartum OCD {I also have PPD and PPA}
Thank you to everyone who sent a warm wish, a kind note, some support, all of it. You guys are my rock and I appreciate each and every one of you!
Stay tuned...I'll update as it happens.
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