Saturday 25 October 2014

Growing Pains

For approximately four years I have been going on and on and on, on this little blog mainly regarding mental health. I think it's time to shift gears and maybe grow up a little bit, in a sense.

I don't want to be known only as a blogger. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course! I would rather be known as a writer. Blogging has opened doors I didn't know existed. I just think it's time to transition in what I blog about.

For about a week now, I've been reading a lot about the writing process and what all it entails from the viewpoint of one author. I'm taking the advice written in one book specifically (Bird By Bird By Anne Lamott) that simply says to sit down at the same time every day and just write (among many other things). It's a lot harder than one might think.

What I'm getting at here is that I'm going to be writing a lot of essays in the days to come. Some will be blog publishing worthy and others won't. I'll take my chances. But that's where this blog is's growing up in a way.

I'd love for you to grow with me.

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