Saturday 6 December 2014

Am I a Whiner?

This new medicine is kicking my ass sideways.

I'm so tired.

I yawn all day and somewhere around the middle, my head begins to pound because all it wants is for my body to lie down and rest. By the end of the day I'm so dizzy.

When Dr. M prescribed me the Trileptal he said it would probably make me tired and if that were the case to "just take a nap". Yeah, because that's conducive to my work schedule and three kids I go home to every day.

I don't know if this will level off and go away.

At this point, I don't know how long to wait until I tell Dr. M what's going on.

I'll probably just sound like a whiner at this point.

Am I crying anymore? Not unless there's something to cry about.

So that's the toss up? Cry or be exhausted and achy. I don't know which is better?

Seriously, I'm out of ideas.

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