Wednesday 10 December 2014

The 10 Commandments of #Bipolar Disorder

Brought to you by the Bipolar ~ 365 ~ 24/7 Facebook Page
1. Thou shalt not blame everything on chemical imbalance. & nbsp;

2. Thou shalt avoid high places and sharp objects when on either extreme of the
mood spectrum. & nbsp;

3. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's shiny trinkets. & nbsp;

4. Thou shalt not trust any shrink who writes thee up a prescription after the first 15 minutes. & nbsp;

5. Thou shalt not beat up anyone while on a manic fit, no matter how much ye really want to,
or how much they deserve it. & nbsp;

6. Thou shalt indulge in immaturity whenever the urge strikes thee. & nbsp;

7. Thou shalt not break stuff that does not belong to thee. & nbsp;

8. Thou shalt go to bed only when ye feel tired. & nbsp;

9. Thou shalt allow others to occasionally get a word in edgewise. & nbsp;

10. Thou shalt not send people crazy e-mails at odd hours of the night,

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