Friday 12 December 2014

It's Raining, It's Pouring

When I woke up this morning, it was raining. Pouring. I love the sound of the rain coming down to the Earth. I love how it makes me feel. I love how it makes me forget my present state of mind. It's an awakening like no other. Some get depressed over the rain. Me? I open my eyes a little wider. It creates a day I can hold my loved ones a little closer. We can remain in our pajamas all day. We can bake cookies and sip on hot chocolate. We can read books or play games or watch movies. We can make a hearty meal and sit around the table and exchange old memories. We can laugh. We can feel like there are no worries surrounding us because we have each other. The rain is an enormous hug. It embraces me from the inside out. My vision is a bit clearer and when the focus is just so, I look at my loved ones; really seeing them. And I smile. I helped create this family. I help hold this family together. Our glue is our love.

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