Friday 21 November 2014

I Write For Technorati Too

Remember when I used to write for the Deep South Moms group and then they had to go and close shop? Well Technorati picked us up under a new channel for Women. I'm so excited to have a clear enough head to be writing again about something other than Postpartum Depression.

I've written a handful of posts over there already and wanted to share them with y'all:

December 2, 2010: Article first published as A Spoon Full of Sugar Helps the Wrong Dose of Medicine Go Down? on Technorati. -- Unintentional over-the-counter liquid medicine under/over dosing in children? Shame on you FDA...

November 30, 2010: Article first published as Picasso Resurrected on Technorati. -- Pablo Picasso recently resurrected from a trunk within a garage of the French Riviera.

November 28, 2010: Article first published as Feeding the Personality vs. Fighting It on Technorati. -- As parents, let's lead by example; positive reinforcement over the preferred and much simpler haze of negativity.

November 19, 2010: Article first published as Are You Okay? Postpartum Depression.... on Technorati. -- Is the stress of Postpartum Depression eating you alive? You're not alone.

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