Friday 7 November 2014

Once upon a blog...

Once upon a time, over two years ago, I started this blog to connect with other women suffering from postpartum depression. My following grew faster than I could blink. I got better and relapsed more times than I could count. I began to feel like a fraud. This was more than PPD.

Then I landed in the hospital and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bipolar II. August 2011 to be exact. My life hasn't been the same since.

I started a new blog dedicated to my updated diagnosis and have come to regret that. I wish I would have found a way to integrate it here rather than separating the two.

In the next few weeks I've decided to transfer my posts here and eliminate that blog.

This is me. Bipolar and all. There's no reason to put up a front here anymore. Things change. I've changed.

2011 was the most challenging year of my life. I'm not saying 2012 is going to be some big turnaround but a girl can dream.

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